Drug Rehab Centers in or near Acworth, NH that offer the following services: Outpatient Drug Rehab
While looking for addiction treatment services in or near Acworth, New Hampshire, you need to realize that there will be two broad options available to you - inpatient and outpatient drug rehab. However, there are other levels of treatment that you can find under these options.
If you choose an outpatient rehab program, you may be required to spend anywhere from a few hours every week to several hours each day at the treatment facility. This will largely depend on the program that you choose.
In the same way, the types of professionals working at the center will vary from one facility to another. For this reason, it is recommended that you research before you choose an outpatient drug rehab program.
That said, there are several levels of outpatient treatment available today. The first is a standard or a regular outpatient program. This offers the least intensive form of treatment - about 1 to 2 recovery sessions of 1 to 2 hours every week. You will be required to meet with therapists at the office or clinic location.
You can also choose an intensive outpatient program - also known as an IOP. This program will typically by run by addiction treatment professionals who will offer you recovery sessions about 3 times each week, with each session lasting between 2 and 3 hours. IOP might be a good step-down option if you have already been through an inpatient treatment program.
The last level is known as a partial hospitalization program (PHP) or a day treatment program. This level of treatment is the most intensive among all outpatient drug rehab programs. You will be required to check into the recovery center 5 to 7 days a week for several hours every session.
Depending on the type of addiction that you are struggling with, these levels of outpatient drug rehab can prove useful in helping you overcome your substance abuse and dependency in or near Acworth, New Hampshire.
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