Drug Rehab Centers in or near Horse Creek, WY that accept the following payment types: Free or Low Cost
The cost of drug and alcohol rehab services in or near Horse Creek, Wyoming - as elsewhere in the United States - can be quite daunting. This is why it might be in your best interests to consider free or low cost addiction treatment if you cannot afford to seek these services using your own funds and available insurance coverage.
To start this process as well as find the treatment options that can help you overcome your substance abuse disorder, you need to contact your local and state mental and behavioral health care service providers. You can also get in touch with local and state substance abuse services in the region.
Often, these services are part of a larger community or public health agency network within the local government. Luckily, SAMHSA maintains a large directory of single state agencies for substance abuse services. You can use this directory to make it easier for yourself to find the people that you need to contact.
On the other hand, you can go directly to the website maintain by your state government. If you check in the behavioral and mental health section - or the substance abuse and addiction section if there is one - you may be able to find more information about the free or low cost addiction treatment programs that are available in the state. In case these programs exist, the website will also list the details that you have to follow while applying for these services.
The other thing that you can do is get in touch with all the drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers in your area. If you talk to their intake professionals and let them know that you need help with your substance abuse and addiction in or near Horse Creek, Wyoming but cannot afford to pay for all or some of the services that they provide, they may be able to inform you if they can offer free or low cost addiction treatment.
Questions? Need help?
If you or a loved one needs help for substance abuse or addiction, fill out the form below and a counselor will respond shortly.