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Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers in Virginia

If you live in Virginia and you start abusing drugs or drinking alcohol in excess, there is a high risk that you may suffer various negative health effects. This problem could even reduce your life expectancy.

Addiction in Virginia

The drug abuse problem is so serious in Virginia that more than 4 people were dying every day as a result of a drug overdose. According to SAMHSA - the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - a total of 30,119 people received addiction treatment services in the state in 2009.

That year, the state only had about 196 programs offering these addiction treatment services. Of this number, 20 were offering opioid use treatment while another 42 were providing inpatient or residential recovery services.

That said, residents aged between 18 and 25 years are the most affected by the drug and alcohol abuse problem - and they also form part of the largest segment of the local population with unmet needs for recovery services.

In 2008, another study reported that 12 million prescriptions were written for drugs falling under schedules II, IV, and III of the controlled substances act passed by the federal government.

Further, the state saw a tripling in the number of people who were diagnosed with both addiction and a co-occurring medical or mental health disorder from a rate of 9 percent (1992) to over 30 percent in 2004.

The most commonly abused of these substances include:

  • Other Opiates
  • Other Drugs like hallucinogens, amphetamines, inhalants, steroids, and ecstasy
  • Marijuana
  • Heroin
  • Cocaine
  • Alcohol

Other figures relating to substance abuse and addiction - and the various problems they caused in Virginia include:

  • Overdose deaths relating to heroin increased by more than 10 times from 450 to 45 deaths
  • In 2016, a total of 1,420 lives were lost to a drug overdose episode involving opioids
  • In 2009, a total of 10,696 arrests were made for opioids and cocaine
  • In 2007, the state made more than 19,000 arrests for a marijuana related drug offence
  • In 2007, marijuana possession arrests made up 89 percent of all arrests involving this drug
  • In 2006, the DEA the Drug Enforcement Agency - seized 16 meth labs
  • In 2006, a total of 539 arrests were made in Virginia for a drug related offence
  • Between 2013 and 2014, close to half a million of the population of Virginia was struggling with the abuse of alcohol

Addiction Treatment in Virginia

The state has several addiction prevention programs in place. These include:

  • The Project AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resilience in Education) campaign
  • Strengthening partnerships between the public and private sectors
  • $9.76 million spent against opioid abuse and addiction

Additionally, there are over 300 drug and alcohol rehabilitation and treatment programs in this state that can help you overcome your substance abuse and addiction. These programs offer services such as:

  • Substance abuse counseling
  • Short term drug rehab
  • Long term drug and alcohol rehab
  • Intensive outpatient treatment
  • Inpatient detoxification
  • Inpatient addiction treatment
  • Group therapy
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Behavioral modification
  • Activity therapy
  • 12-step facilitation

Apart from these services, you can also call any of the following hotlines in case you have a substance related emergency or need help with drugs and alcohol abuse in Virginia:

  • Western Tidewater Community Services Board: 757-925-2484
  • NAMI Virginia: (800) 950-6264
  • Delphi Health Group: (888)-448-1432
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