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Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers in Wisconsin

There are many addiction treatment and rehabilitation programs in Wisconsin that can help you overcome your substance abuse and addiction. Even so, many people do not check into these programs. Read on to find out more:

Addiction in Wisconsin

In 2010, only about 29,358 people were enrolled into a drug and alcohol addiction recovery program in Wisconsin. Of this number, 70 percent were male while the remaining 30 percent were female.

According to reports from the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services, the state had witnessed a decrease in the number of drug rehabs from 324 programs in 2002 to 290 by 2006.

According to the same survey, the rates of drug abuse were below or at the same level as similar national rates for every age group. During the same time, the rates of alcohol use were higher in Wisconsin than in the rest of the United States. This mostly affected people aged between 18 and 25 years.

The most common substances of abuse in Wisconsin include:

  • Synthetic Cannabinoids
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamines
  • Alcohol

Drugs caused more than 639 fatalities in this state in 2007. This was at a rate of 11.4 fatalities for every segment of 100,000 people in Wisconsin. Although it was high, it was still lower than the national rate (12.7 fatalities for every segment of 100,000 people).

Opioids were responsible for most of these drugs. This is not surprising because it was reported that 4 percent of Wisconsin residents abused an opioid prescription medication from 2013 and 2014.

Several years before in 2010:

  • Fatalities linked to synthetic opioids increased to 288 from 66 - most of them were as a result of fentanyl
  • Fatalities linked to prescription opioids rose to 382 deaths from 285
  • Fatalities linked to heroin increased to 389 from 92

Additionally, the Wisconsin Epidemiological Profile on Alcohol and Other Drugs for 2016 reported the following:

  • 3 percent of the entire population aged 12 years and older abused an illicit drug
  • Cocaine was abused by 2 percent of the entire Wisconsin population
  • Marijuana abuse was at a rate that was higher than the national level

Addiction Treatment in Wisconsin

Some of the programs that have been put to reduce the drug addiction crisis in Wisconsin include:

  • Healthiest Wisconsin 2020
  • Standing Order for Naloxone
  • Good Samaritan Law

The state also has a number of drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs that you can go to in case you are struggling with a substance use disorder and/or a co-occurring medical or mental health disorder. Checking into one of these programs will allow you to enjoy the following recovery services:

  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • The matrix model
  • Substance abuse counseling
  • Short term treatment
  • Relapse prevention
  • Outpatient counseling
  • Long term drug and alcohol rehab
  • Inpatient drug addiction treatment
  • Inpatient detoxification
  • Group therapy
  • Anger management
  • Aftercare planning

You can also get help by calling any of the following hotlines with an addiction problem or emergency in Wisconsin:

  • Wisconsin Recovery Helpline: +1-206-461-3219 (TTY)
  • Wisconsin Poison Control Center: +1-800-222-1222
  • Teenlink WA State: +1-866-833-6546 (TTY)
  • Mental Health Crisis Line: +1-866-427-4747
  • Integrative Counseling Service (ICS): (206) 216-5000
  • Delphi Health Group: (888)-448-1432
  • Community Resources Online: +1-800-621-4636
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